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Travel Resources
Traveler Resources
The US Government’s Passport/Visa advisory site
US Department of State’s list of active Travel Warnings
The Transportation Security Administration keeps travelers up to date on security measures and policies
Flight Delay Info: An interactive map indicating delays at US airports
Traveler Tools
See what Mother Nature has to say about your travel plans
Avoid jetlag and set your watch before you go with this handy global timezone map
Currency Converter. Make sure you know how much you’re spending on your next trip
The Inside Scoop
GBTA: The Global Business Travel Association: links, news, resources about the field
Airport Reviews: Know the features and layout of the world’s airports before you go
Seat Guru: Reviews of the best seats on individual planes and airlines
Luggage Forward: Irregular, heavy, or surplus baggage for cheaper than the airline
Our Favourite Travel Blogs
Just Got Back: Inside tips from first-hand experience, from recent travelers
USA Today: The best resource for keeping up with the domestic airline industry
TNooz: Regularly updated, important info on how travel and tech continue to co-evolve
Business Travel News: News from the industry
NatGeo Intelligent Travel: The most visually stunning travel blog on the web
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